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Hey you, if you like this be sure to check out it's basically the evolution of acrimony, thanks.

Very nice mechanics. But please reduce the red color. Too much red

I hope thats a joke


This is the best indie shooter game I've played most likely ever - skip to 6:57


I Lowkey Got Retro DOOM vibes... Please Continue This Game and ADD Immense Uniqueness... It's time to reach the TOP... 


Love the old-school FPS vibe. he game looks and feels good. I hope you will finish it.


I hope this game gets finished.  It's very promising.  

The game is very true to the old-school way of classic Quake, Painkiller, Doom etc...  Great work!

Can you add inverted mouse support.  Unplayable for me without it. 

I'm afraid i can't due to this being a prototype i don't have a separate build to update and the project is about 5gb now (and unplayable), i added inverted mouse support however for the future and thank you for letting me know, cheers!

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vibes quake :D and good game

Glad you liked it

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...nostalgic game style quake ..or doom ..good jobs